Chiropractic And Back Pain
Most people in Jackson that we evaluate and treat assume that their problem began when they first felt the pain. This is seldom the case in our chiropractic practice. By far, the most common cause of pain in our Jackson clinic involves decreased spinal flexibility, which will lead to wear and tear in the spine, muscles, and ligaments. This daily wear and tear goes unnoticed or undetected until the nervous system becomes irritated and sends out alarms or warning signals in the form of pain, tingling, or numbness. The person becomes aware that something is wrong and comes to our Jackson, MI chiropractic office seeking pain relief.
The experienced chiropractors at Schonhard Chiropractic take this sudden onset of pain very seriously. Pain, numbness, and tingling often indicate a problem that is compromising the nervous system. It is the focus of the chiropractor to help this communication system function at its highest level. At Schonhard Chiropractic in Jackson, we accomplish this by focusing on the correct spinal alignment and its direct and vital relationship with the health and well-being of the nervous system. This understanding of the nervous system, as well as spinal anatomy, is why our Jackson chiropractic clinic gets results when other health professionals or back pain specialists may not.
Schonhard Chiropractic offers the option of an experienced male or female chiropractor to address your health care concerns. Both chiropractors in our Jackson office excel in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions involving the spine/nervous system. Early detection and treatment are essential in effectively treating the spine and nervous system.
Are you searching for great chiropractic care in Jackson, MI? Discover the Jackson, Husband & Wife Chiropractic Team at Schonhard Chiropractic!